Tuesday, June 12, 2007

summer start 07

i like summer. i really do. it's generally my favorite time of year, and even though it's the least productive time, and i have to be on long island, waitress, be without albany friends, i always seem to look forward to the weather and the ocean. it's a nice thing to come home to. this summer is different, though. it doesn't have that same appeal. it's lonelier this time around--there's only a very small handful of people to spend my free time with, most of my closest friends are really busy with internships (and i will be soon, too) or stayed up at school. the only thing that makes it okay is the beach, clear warm nights in my backyard, and sam summer ale. or any combination of those three.
after a week of being home from italy, i started working at the steakhouse again. it's not bad at all, i shouldn't complain so much, but when you have larger expectations of yourself and your life, doing bitchwork/waitressing for a corporate restaurant isn't exactly motivating. it just makes you want to run, REALLY far away. thank god for this internship at the heckscher museum--it's really the only reason for me to stay home this summer. that and my mom, but she's busy too working something like 3 jobs now? i don't even know. it's too expensive here!
waitressing does put gas in my tank though, but my biggest summer goal is to be creative in my spare time. as creative as possible. step one would be to get off facebook in my spare time. i don't know why i've become so addicted to it, it's really a time waster. i've got some goals though for my creativity plan for the summer of 2007.

1. draw every day, in some way.
2. read about 3-4 books (i am a slow reader!)
3. make some music, either with my brother or well enough on my own to not be embarrassed (in fact, stoked) to sing at an open mic.
4. spend more time with cool, interesting people (that share the interests above, actually) on long island and NYC
5. save maybe 2 grand?
6. swim
7. stop being addicted to caffiene and facebook

phew, i think that's pretty good, don't you?

i'm going to hit the hay.

ps: everyone should download "paradise" by jenny lewis, if they can find it. i have it on a 7" vinyl and it makes my heart melt. i rediscovered it today in my "creative spare time" time. haha

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